Should have update my blog after the last post.
But as usual, I am busy ~ This is not an excuse !!! XD I am really busy recently.Busy with the final exam and my dissertation.
Had just finished a paper today, Advanced Cellular Biochemistry.
Ermmm... not much comment that I can give for this paper. Neither easy nor difficult !
I just 'vomited' out what I can remember and there was no time for me to think what to write and how to present my answer.
6 essays in 1 and a half hours. What a challenge...
Anyway, it past ! Now, waiting for my last paper in LJMU on this coming Thursday (Perhaps my last exam paper in my study life :p )
Recently, I am addicted to my new 'pet'. Having lots of fun with it! Games, applications, social networks, photography and etc. Addicted with weibo and twitter after having my new pet.
Keep playing with it although it's exam period. Now I know why my dear can't live without his 'pet' :D
TIME flies ! Almost finish my study life in Liverpool. How I wish I could stay here longer. I still haven't finish discover this country ! But I miss my dearest family, my dear and my friends so much. I miss FOODsss from Malaysia as well ~
And, It's almost the time to prepare for Europe trip. Can't wait for it ^^ Wish to discover the countries as much as I can and take many many pictures ! Thanks to my parents that 'sponsor' for the trip. Without you, I can't even step into UK ! Love you, daddy and mummy ♥
Can't wait to finish my last paper on this coming Thursday. Have trip to Edinburgh on this coming Friday. Hooray ~ ^^
Just hope that the trip won't disappointing me as the last trip to York.
No rains on this coming weekend, pleaseeee ~
Ok, it's time to continue my study. Forensic Biology, here I come !

p/s: Good luck to myself and to all my friends ~
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