Just finished 1 paper yesterday, Advanced Physiology.
1 more left for this coming Friday. But I am still in lazy mode and I choose to blog here instead of reading notes :p
Talk about the exam system in LJMU, it's quite different with TARC. Not that stressful and not that strict as well.
Having final exam here seem like having mid term test in TARC. 1 hour for the exam and we need to answer 4 essay questions.
Of course, we are not allow to discuss and copy answer. I think lecturers here never expect students cheating in exam. That's why she left us with the answer booklet and notes in the exam room to toilet and bought herself a cup of coffee. How ridiculous ??? XD
But we are HONEST students, for sure ! *wink*
1 hour is totally not enough times for us to complete 4 essay questions.
There was no time for us to think what to write for the answers and I was just wrote down whatever things I remembered. There was definitely no times for me to re-structure my essays also. Just hope that lecturers will understand what I wrote and give me a PASS. God bless ~
1 more exam on this coming Friday and after that a new module is starting by next Monday. Time flies. We have only 2 modules left.
It's time to back to my notes. Good luck for the next paper ! :)

sure u cheat !!
i wish 2,bt cant :P
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