Event: Alumni, Staft & Students Sport Challenge
Time: 9a.m. to 1p.m.
Date: 11 April 2009
Venue: Sport Complex TARCTime: 9a.m. to 1p.m.

What so suprised that day : "Hey, your picture is on the banner!" my friends kept telling me. I saw my last 2 years ago pictures on the banner, certificate and notice board as well. Many of my friends said that the photographer and the designer of these things must be 'fall in love' on me.LOL... suddenly, I become famous. Haha...

What I gained that day: Nice experiences and lessons I gained when partnered with 'uncles' and watched the matches they played. They are not as young as us but the skill they have are more expert then us! They are still energetic and powerful. I felt stressful when partnered with one of them, always made mistakes. But luckily, we still won the game ( Ya, I skipped work because of this event, so must play hard and win. Hehe...)

No doubt, it's me !!!
Conclusion: Overall, students won. At least we still won in the table tennis section. Next year, I think I won't be alumni representative anymore. What will I be? Student representative ... for sure ! :)
See you, next year !!!